Security Awareness Training Programme

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Get staff on board with your security awareness project with an effective staff awareness programme. Reduce the risk of human error and encourage staff to adopt best practice measures. Book your demo or request a call with one of our security awareness experts for more information.

Security awareness training shouldn’t be a compliance tick box exercise

Research has shown that poor security behaviours persist despite staff having attended security awareness training. Cyber security and data protection should be ingrained into every aspect of your organisation. Training alone is not enough to reduce information security risks, which is why it’s so important to implement a security awareness programme.

This programme is ideal for organisations looking to raise awareness of issues such as data privacy, information security and cyber security, and supports the implementation of management systems such as information security and ISO 27001, business continuity and ISO 22301, cyber security, phishing, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and data security.

Get a security awareness programme tailored to your needs

We work regularly with clients requiring a security awareness solution to suit them. Our unique combination of information security expertise and ability to create effective bespoke awareness programmes in-house enables us to deliver solutions that meet and exceed expectations.

Speak to one our experts to get the ball rolling on your awareness programme.

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The benefits of a successful security awareness programme

  • Employee mindset and behaviour change because teams are personally invested in the security programme.
  • Informed teams and improved organisational resilience reduce security risks and staff-related data breaches.
  • A shift in organisational culture support business objectives.
  • Reduced human error and process inefficiencies.
  • Increased morale and commitment towards an information security management system (ISMS).
  • Improved audit results as management system requirements are being met.
  • Corrective actions based on the identification of nonconformities.
  • A return on investment on your security awareness programme with visible campaign tracking.

What should an effective programme focus on? 

Staff engagement

Increase staff engagement, improve knowledge and achieve lasting security awareness.

Variation of tools

Incorporate a variety of tools, delivered through various channels and media to keep staff engaged. 

Aligning requirements

Align organisational culture and unique requirements within your awareness programme.

Our security awareness programme delivers transformative results

The programme is delivered through multiple channels and can include:

  • An organisation-wide assessment of your learning needs, awareness challenges and knowledge gaps.
  • A multi-component campaign, tailored to your organisation’s needs and culture.
  • Tools and resources to educate your staff. Learn more.
  • Interactive content to engage staff.
  • A reliable audit trail to evaluate the success of your programme.

Download our Security Awareness Programme service description

Free pdf download: Nine ways to improve your security awareness programme

Free pdf download: Nine ways to improve your security awareness programme

People are widely acknowledged to be the weakest part of any security system. Even if you implement the best technological measures and put processes in place to ensure they are properly deployed and kept up to date, their effectiveness can be compromised by poorly trained users, putting your organisation at risk.

Download this free guide to find out how to get the best results from your security awareness programme and how to better protect your organisation from a cyber attack.

Download now

Why choose IT Governance?

  • Shop with confidence – more than 1,000 organisations use our e-learning courses, and we’ve trained more than 100,000 professionals.
  • Our e-learning courses have received an excellent NPS (Net Promoter Score) of +68.
  • Industry experts develop our staff awareness training, so you can be safe in the knowledge the content is accurate and up to date.
  • Guaranteed results – track progress and run reports on completion for auditing purposes.
  • Fast, easy deployment that’s compatible with any device, including desktop, mobile and tablet.
  • Customise the learner experience by adding your company branding in the LMS and include links to relevant documents (e.g. social media policy).
  • Flexible payment with annual renewals.
  • Our e-learning team is on hand to support and guide you throughout the deployment.
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