Articles of the GDPR

Chapter I – General provisions

Chapter III – Rights of the data subject

Section 1 - Transparency and modalities 

Section 2 - Information and access to personal data

Section 3 - Rectification and erasure

Section 4 - Right to object and automated individual decision-making

Section 5 - Restrictions

Chapter IV – Controller and processor

Section 1 - General obligations

Section 2 - Security of personal data

Section 3 - Data protection impact assessment and prior consultation

Section 4 - Data protection officer

Section 5 - Codes of conduct and certification

Chapter V – Transfers of personal data to third countries or international organisations

Chapter VI – Independent supervisory authorities

Section 1 - Independent status

Section 2 - Competence, tasks and powers

Chapter VII – Cooperation and consistency

Section 1 – Cooperation

Section 2 - Consistency

Section 3 - European data protection board

Chapter X – Delegated acts and implementing acts

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