
Detection | Protection | Management | Response | Recovery


Why your organisation needs cyber defence in depth

How to detect a cyber attack

How to protect your organisation from cyber attacks

How to manage your cyber risks

How to respond to a cyber attack

How to recover from a cyber attack


Stage 1 – Detection: The first layer of your cyber defence-in-depth strategy

Delivered by: Alan Calder, founder and executive chairman, IT Governance and CEO of GRC International Group

Understanding the threats you face and where your cyber defences are most at risk of being breached is critical to securing your organisation against cyber attacks.

By implementing detection measures your can identify security flaws, enabling you to bolster defences where needed.

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Stage 2 – Protection: The second layer of your cyber defence-in-depth strategy

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance and CEO of GRC International Group

Protecting an organisation from the increasing threat of cyber attacks can be challenging. Employees are a crucial line of defence, and ensuring they know their security responsibilities and how to spot a cyber attack is critical.

Depending on the organisation, it may not need to implement extensive security measures, but at least a base level of security is essential. Certification to security schemes can protect an organisation from the most common cyber threats and publicly demonstrate its commitment to cyber security.

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Stage 3 – Management: The third layer of your cyber-defence-in-depth strategy

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman of IT Governance and CEO of GRC International Group

When it comes to larger or more complex organisations, managing cyber security risks requires a more intensive approach than implementing basic security protection.

Embedding risk-based security controls, managing the security of supply chains and carrying out regular audits are some of the many measures an organisation may need to take to manage and reduce risk.

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Stage 4 – Response: The fourth layer of your cyber-defence-in-depth strategy

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman of IT Governance and CEO of GRC International Group

Implementing a cyber security incident response management plan means you won’t waste valuable time when the worst happens.

Cyber incident response is a part of wider business continuity management. It helps you put plans in place to cover all types of unplanned disruption, from cyber security incidents to natural disasters, from power outages to pandemics.

This is especially important when it comes to breaches of personal data, which may need to be reported to the data protection authorities within 72 hours of being discovered under the DPA (Data Protection Act) 2018 and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

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Stage 5 – Recovery: The final layer of your cyber defence-in-depth strategy

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance and CEO of GRC International Group

Recovering from a cyber attack or data breach can be more disruptive than an organisation has planned for.

Most of the time, an organisation can restore enough critical services to be able to continue functioning, but it can take months to fully return to business as usual. Having cyber insurance in place can give organisations peace of mind, providing cover when they need it most and helping them get back to business as usual as soon as possible.

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How defence in depth can help organisations tackle complex cyber security risks

IT Governance’s cyber-defence-in-depth framework consists of five interrelated layers to mitigate the risk of data breaches: detection, protection, management, response and recovery.

In this blog, we look at each of the stages of defence in depth and explain how they work to protect your organisation.

How to detect a cyber attack

The first layer of cyber defence in depth is threat detection.

Understanding the threats you face and where your organisation is most at risk of being breached is critical to information security. It’s only by knowing the specific risks you face that you can implement appropriate defences.

How to protect your organisation from a cyber attack

The second layer of cyber defence in depth is protection.

Protecting your organisation from cyber attacks and data breaches is a complex undertaking. No matter how well prepared you are to detect threats, some attacks will get past the first layer of your defences.

How to manage your cyber risks

The third layer of cyber defence in depth is management.

Managing cyber security risks requires a more intensive approach than simply implementing basic protections. Cyber security isn’t a destination – it is an ongoing process, requiring continual evaluation, maintenance and revision.

How to respond to a cyber attack

The fourth layer of cyber defence in depth is response.

Cyber response is a part of wider business continuity management. It helps your organisation put plans in place to cover all types of disruption, from cyber security incidents and natural disasters to power outages and pandemics.

How to recover from a cyber attack

The fifth layer of cyber defence in depth is recovery.

When all other lines of defence fail, you need to ensure your organisation can survive.

More often than not, you will be able to restore enough critical services to be able to continue functioning, but it can take months to fully return to business as usual. In the meantime, you need a plan for how you will manage, plus you need appropriate resources to implement those plans.

How IT Governance can help you implement cyber defence in depth

Whatever your resources or expertise, a defence-in-depth approach to cyber security will give you the best chance of mitigating the cyber security risks your organisation faces, so you can focus on your core business objectives without having to worry about coming under attack.

IT Governance has everything you need. Get in touch today to find out how we can help you secure your success.

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