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An Introduction to Hacking & Crimeware: A Pocket Guide

An Introduction to Hacking and Crimeware - A Pocket Guide

SKU: 3738
Authors: Victoria Lowengart
Publishers: IT Governance Publishing
Format: PDF
ISBN13: 9781849283298
Pages: 48
Published: 19 Jan 2012
Availability: In stock
Format: ePub
ISBN13: 9781849283304
Pages: 48
Published: 19 Jan 2012
Availability: In stock

This pocket guide will equip you with the vital information you need to deal with the threats presented by hacking and crimeware in all their many forms, safeguard your online information, and potentially save you and your business from very real danger.

Price: £9.95

Defend your business, protect your livelihood, safeguard your future.

  • How safe are you online?
  • Is your information protected?
  • What risks are you taking with your data?
  • How do you protect yourself from cybercrime?

Cybercrime is on the rise, and it is becoming easier and easier for criminals to steal your personal information. Toolkits to create viruses, spyware, and other forms of malware are now readily available to anyone wishing to defraud and do damage, and you could be leaving yourself open to attack.

It is estimated that standard computer-based defence systems catch only 25% of malware attacks. Do you know the risks you’re running online? Are you protected? An Introduction to Hacking and Crimeware answers your concerns and provides a foundation-level overview of the dark world of cybercrime.

Know your enemy

An Introduction to Hacking and Crimeware is a comprehensive pocket guide to more serious online threats. Knowledge of these threats will help you understand how to ensure that your computer systems are protected and make sure that your business is safe, enabling you to focus on your core activities without fear of attack.

Fight back

In this pocket guide, the author:

  • Identifies terms and defines exactly what crimeware is, both intentional and unintentional
  • Gives specific, up-to-date examples to help you identify the risks so that you can protect your business
  • Explores the increasing use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hacking tools, exposing the enemy’s tactics
  • Gives practical suggestions of active defence, so you can fight back
  • Provides a valuable list of up-to-date, authoritative sources of information, so you can stay abreast of new developments and safeguard your business. 
About the author

Victoria Loewengart

Victoria Loewengart is a partner and co-founder of two organisations: AKOTA Technologies ( and Technology and Business Insider ( She has more than 25 years' experience in cyberspace development, management and exploration. For much of her career, Victoria has worked in support of military and intelligence agencies, which is where she became fascinated with all aspects of cyber security and intelligence technologies, and she has conducted extensive research in this area.

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