Free PDF download: ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 – Transitioning to the 2022 standards

The international standard for information security management, ISO 27001, and its companion standard ISO 27002 were updated in 2022 for the first time in nearly a decade.

Organisations that are already certified to ISO 27001:2013 have until 31 October 2025 to transition to ISO 27001:2022. However, certification bodies will stop offering (re)certification to ISO 27001:2013 from 30 April 2024, so you may need to transition sooner than you thought.

This free green paper explains how the new standards affect your organisation.


  • An overview of the key changes to both ISO 27001 and ISO 27002;
  • Explanations of the ISO 27002 attributes, and how to create and use views;
  • Explanations of the 11 new controls and 6 noteworthy merged controls in the 2022 set;
  • A transitioning checklist; and
  • Our concluding thoughts on the new standards.

Published: July 2023
Keywords: ISO 27001, information security, management systems

ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 – Transitioning to the 2022 standards
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