2021 GDPR Fines Report: A Free Downloadable Resource

As the number and value of administrative fines issued for contraventions of the UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and EU GDPR continue to grow, it is essential that organisations take the necessary measures to improve their data privacy compliance.

We have examined the administrative fines issued by data protection authorities in the UK and across the EEA (European Economic Area) under the GDPR so you can learn how other organisations have fallen foul of the law and, therefore, what to prioritise to improve your own data processing activities and reduce the risk of regulatory action.

Download our free report to discover:

  • The number and value of GDPR fines issued across the EEA and in the UK in 2021;
  • The value of the fines issued each year since the GDPR took effect;
  • The most common types of breach that resulted in fines;
  • A full list of known GDPR fines; and
  • Information about the organisations that have been fined.
GDPR Fines Quarterly Report